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  1. No shoes, no shirt, no service.

  2. Due to health and safety guidelines, no outside food or drink is allowed within The LOUNGE.

  3. If you are visibly intoxicated, we cannot serve you.


Service Animals

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title III, businesses and organizations that serve the public must allow people with disabilities to bring their service animals into all areas of a facility where customers are regularly allowed to go. This federal law applies to all businesses open to the public, including restaurants, hotels, taxis and shuttles, grocery and department stores, hospitals and medical offices, theaters, parks, and zoos.


As of March 15, 2011, federal guidelines tightened the definition of a service animal to just dogs, and in some cases, miniature horses. The Department of Justice (DOJ) states that the dog must be "individually trained to work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability." Service animals may be any breed, size or weight. Some, but not all, service animals wear special collars and harnesses. Some, but not all, are licensed or "certified" and/or have identification papers. Service animals currently in training do not qualify for admission. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. Animals that simply provide "emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship" are not considered service animals under the new regulations.


Examples of work or tasks as defined in the current regulations include:

  • Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks.

  • Alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds.

  • Providing non-violent protection or rescue work.

  • Pulling a wheelchair.

  • Assisting an individual during a seizure.

  • Alerting individuals to the presence of allergens.

  • Retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone.

  • Providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities.

  • Helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.


Service animals may only be excluded when that animal's behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Examples are vicious behavior towards other guests, a dog that is out of control and the handler cannot or does not regain control, or if the dog is not housebroken.


If the service animal's trained task is not readily apparent, staff may ask: 

  1. If the animal is a service animal

  2. What task the service animal is trained to perform

Staff may not ask what the person's disability is or for an ID card for the animal


Any problems or concerns due to the presence of a service animal should be reported to staff members. If a service animal is excluded, the individual with the disability will still have the option of remaining at the Lounge, without the service animal.

While on property, the service animal must always be on a harness or lead, no longer than 6 feet in length. Handler must remain in control of their service animal at all times.



116 Turtle Walk Lane

Bartonsville, PA 18321



Open from 4pm daily

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